Hard water – Heavy on Health, Heavy on Pocket. Here’s the Solution

Hard Water Softener for Home

In many regions of India, people get a hard water supply at their homes. Using hard water for household chores such as washing clothes, bathing, and cleaning can cause several problems from corrosion of plumbing fixtures to scaling on taps to dry skin and dull hair. If you are also tired of these problems, then it is the time to install a hard water softener for home.

What Makes Your Home Water Hard?

If you get groundwater supply, then the chances are high that you get hard water. As water travels by collecting chalk, gypsum, and limestone, it increases the amount of magnesium and calcium carbonates, sulfates, and bicarbonates in the water. 

The first sign of hard water at your home is that your soap doesn’t lather easily. Along with this, you may notice that your hands remain sticky after washing even if you use a lot of soap. Some homeowners notice the white stains on utensils and solid deposits on pipes, taps, and appliances. 

Well, to reduce the negative effects of hard water, it is advised to install hard water software at home. It is considered the most viable and budget-friendly solution to this problem. A water softener system softens the hard water and makes it suitable for use.

Common Effects of Hard Water on Your Skin and Hair

  • Hard water leaves a solid deposit on your skin and hair.
  • The presence of minerals present in hard water causes your hair to become brittle.
  • The mineral deposits also clog your scalp pores.
  • Soaps and shampoos do not provide enough lather as hard water produces scum.
  • Your hair looks frizzy and dull.
  • Your skin feels flaky, dry, and itchy after a bath.

Effects of Hard Water on Your Home

  • Hard water leaves deposits on tiles, appliances, taps, and surfaces.
  • You consume more soaps, detergents, and shampoos and hard water needs more effort to produce later.
  • You notice solid deposits on your appliances like geysers.
  • Hard water leads to frequent plumbing repairs and maintenance.
  • Your plumbing fixtures and appliances are prone to rust and scaling due to hard water.

Overall, hard water can affect your quality of life as well as the quality of your hair & skin. Thus, it is recommended to go for a long-term solution to the problem of hard water. You can use a whole-house water softener as the most reliable and efficient solution to the hard water problem.

A good quality hard water softener system works on easy regeneration and ion exchange processes, making bathing and cleaning a hassle-free experience for you. Nowadays, with a wide range of water software systems available in the market, you can purchase the one as per your family’s needs. You can explore a water softener for bathroom or invest in a whole-house water softener depending on your needs and preferences. 

Advantages Of Hard Water Softener For Home

Less Irritation on Scalp and Skin

Calcium is one of the minerals present in hard water. When it builds up on the scalp and skin, it causes irritation, itchiness, and dryness. Prolonged exposure to hard water can also aggravate skin problems such as rosacea and dermatitis. Thus, one of the advantages of installing a water softener at home is it produces soft water that feels better and gentler on the scalp and skin.

Cleaner Plumbing Fixtures

Have you noticed deposits and stains blocking the holes of your showerheads and taps? These deposits are because of hard water, causing low water pressure. When you install a water softener for the bathroom, you will not notice the presence of those stubborn blockages anymore.

Lesser Consumption of Soaps and Detergents

The efficacy of detergents and soaps is lessened due to the minerals present in hard water.  By using hard water softener for home, you can easily avoid the formation of soap scum. Also, you will need fewer detergents and soaps to get a good cleaning effect. It will also save on cleaning efforts as well as products while increasing the lifespan of your plumbing appliances.

Cleaner Cloths, Dishes and Surfaces

The calcium and other minerals present in the hard water can stick to your utensils, clothes, and even car surfaces. The problem can be worse depending on the hardness level of your home water. By using a water softener for home, you can get soft water to get cleaner clothes, utensils, and car surfaces after washing.

Healthier Hair and Skin

If you are struggling with dry and frizzy hair while your skin feels itchy, then don’t think twice before investing in a hard waterer for home. Water softener removes those minerals from your tap water without compromising the water quality. This means you will not worry about dry skin, frizzy hair, and split ends anymore.

Avoid Unpleasant Taste from Drinking Water

Some people have to deal with water having an unpleasant taste as it contains too many minerals. A good quality hard water softener benefits you by making your drinking water pure so there’s no issue due to magnesium, iron, or sulfur, which leads to corrosion on plumbing fixtures, acidic tastes, and poor hygiene.

The Last Line

As you can see, the advantages of hard water softener for home are countless. Nowadays, installing a water softener has become a growing trend as more and more homeowners are seeing positive results. Luckily, a home water softener can easily solve your hard water issues at home. 

You can soften your home water by installing an efficient and reliable water softener offered by ZeroB Pure Water Solutions. ZeroB is known for offering a wide range of whole-house water softeners. You can choose either a bathroom water softener or a whole house water softener with the required storage capacity. 

Also, you can compare a water softener for home price with other brands and make a decision that fits your budget.

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